We want your network infrastructure to be consistently performing at optimum levels. In addition, we want to make it easy for you to change or grow your network – as your organisation evolves. That’s no doubt what you want too.
But to do that, you need to invest in a physical network infrastructure audit that will shine a light on the state and condition of your comms cabinets, server rooms, and general network assets. Why? To maximise the efficiency of your communications set-up and prevent unwanted downtime.
After a while your cables, wires, connections, patch leads, racks, cabinets, and superfluous equipment – can become scrambled. A spaghetti-like scene of messy wires and discarded kit. This disorder can lead to network performance problems and even health and safety hazards for your people. It’s also a waste of valuable space that could otherwise be re-purposed.

If you’re trying to diagnose network issues, or you’re wanting to upgrade your network – this disarray can also slow things down significantly.
And what’s more, where you originally located parts of your physical network infrastructure, may no longer meet your current and future business needs.
If this sounds like a situation you’re in, our highly-skilled professionals can help you to quickly restore some order with a physical network infrastructure audit (including replacing, or re-organising your data cabinets and patch leads). In fact, they get a huge sense of pride from transforming chaotic comms cabinets and server rooms into neatly organised, clutter-free places that enhance the performance of your network.
From identifying redundant equipment and removing existing patch leads, to colour coding cables and upgrading cabinets – our cable management experts can handle it all.